Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2007: The Year The Worm Turned - You First Read It Here

When people look back in 20 years time and try to figure when South Africa officially became a second Haiti, they will pinpoint 2007. Since 1994 the country has been running on old momentum - the remnants of efficient European management and infrastructure.

This year, 2007, the worm turned.

Deliberately over the years the black maggots have been gnawing away at the living tissue of the nation. A toxic slime (the President and the Cabinet) has been quietly promoting this infestation from the top.

Since 1994 hospitals, schools, universities and colleges have degenerated into festering growths of crime and ineptitude. The physical environment (roads, dams, water works, power grid) have disintegrated. The police have joined forces with the criminals, led by national police minister Jacki Selebi, who consorts with crooks. His appointment as president of Interpol cemented his dubious credentials.

Government workers have effectively resigned from their duties while still taking salaries. There are no checks and balances in the civil service any longer. Policemen go on picnics in police vans, ambulance drivers give their girlfriends joyrides in hospital vehicles, nurses abuse patients and steal hospital goods. The justice system has choked on its own vomit. The defence force has been turned into a gigantic, Aids-ridden public works programme.

The rand has become weaker than ever before, masked by the weak dollar. There is no investment in fixed infrastructure in South Africa by outside capital any more. The only type of money that comes here can leave overnight. South Africa has shown itself to be notably invertebrate in its foreign relations policy. It will support anyone who is a criminal. Jails are overfull and have become the testing ground for young felons.

The Home Affairs department has turned into a marketplace for ID documents, passports, marriage certificates. Anything anyone wants is available at a price. The corruption starts at the top with the acting director-general and others recently suspended for turning paperwork into contraband. Agriculture and land affairs have turned into a travesty of economics and justice allied with a stated intention by the president to get the white farmers off the land. SA Revenue Services has turned into a Moslem-run voracious beast determined to suck the last breath of life out of the economy to fund the excesses of the black elite.

But 2007 was the year the worm turned. And the worm that turned was not the much-put-upon whites, a tiny and politically powerless minority that has either left the country or disappeared into their cocoons. The worm that turned were the poor blacks in squatter camps, from Cape Town, to Plettenberg Bay, from Johannesburg, to Pretoria, to Khutsong. Their lives are worse than the lives of blacks have been since 1900. They are not oblivious to this. About 20 million people live in shacks without running water or electricity. They are unemployed. There are no services. They have no hope.

They are rioting in the streets. They are burning tyres and vehicles. They are setting the houses of government officials alight. They are shooting and throwing stones at police. They are extremely angry. They know the black elite live in obscene luxury. They have only to look at their local ANC councillors to know that.

Yes, this is the year the worm turned. The world will be told it's still the white's fault. But the worm knows it is the fault of the blacks who are looting and plundering the country's wealth. And somewhere in one of the squatter camps a toddler is wading about in an open sewage canal. He is a future president of South Africa. He will seize power through the barrel of a gun. And he doesn't give a shit.


Anonymous said...

I haven't heard it put into a nutshell so well in a long time.

Just wait and see how the angry masses of the unwashed shake and topple the ANC, edged on by other greedy political munts waiting in the wings for their turn at the public feeding trough.

People have forgotten so easily what happened during the unrest that was instigated to pressure the NATS, just wait..the ANC's turn is comming and they are shitting themselves, because they understand the nature of the beast.

There is a protest march organised by PRAAG this month, for all the moaning and unhappiness of white SOuth Africans, it will be interesting to see how many actually take off work and go and participate in this march. Whats the bet there will be under 500 people.

I say only the people willing to really stand up and fight for something deserve to get it, and unfortunately the white apathy just proves that they get what they deserve!

Real South African said...

Thanks for the compliment. Any chance of a link on SAS, the undisputed king of alternative South African blogs?