Sunday, November 4, 2007

After reading this post about The Zimbabwe Ruins , an Anonymous person wrote said:

The Zimbabwe ruins were not built by Arabs, they were built by blacks.

I first noticed this when I saw a picture of the ruins from a distance, and shortly after a picture of Sofala in Mozambique - which was built by Arabs. The silhouettes of the two are very similar. I came to the entirely defensible conclusion that the builder of the ruins had merely imitated the form of Sofala, without having the faintest idea of its function.
This supposition is reinforced by the fact that no part of the Zimbabwe ruins has any function whatsoever. There are no identifiable kitchens, bedrooms, storerooms or whatever, no fortifications of any more use than the rocks used to pile the place up. No Arab would have built anything like that. This I know because I am an Arab.
In the 60s there was a South African magazine called Drum. In one issue, it ran an article on a Zambian who was making a moon rocket out of old tin and oil drums. What he ended up with looked like a Saturn rocket from a long way off, and worked not at all like a Saturn rocket. Exactly the same principle was at work in the case of the Zambian rocket as in that of the Zimbabwe ruins.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Once Again A Freaking Lotto Miracle

Yeah, a new set of thieves now run the lottery and I can prove it.

Call it the 49/1 scam.

They came in the night on Saturday and lo there was a R15 million prize and then - silence.

A visit to the website shows that a miracle happened, right there before the nation's eyes.

Yes, the winning numbers were drawn - a flawless set of balls in a flawless process.

Meanwhile back at Gidani the thieves were at work, and in the golden moment between the announcement of the winning balls and Armageddon, they bought a ticket retrospectively.

The amount the lucky and completely anonymous crooks won in Div 1 was R16,715,875.

That's nice and totally expected.

Take a look at the UK Lottery's results for the past four years. Rollovers dominate Div 1 wins dramatically. It's exactly the same odds, same 49 numbers, same everything. Meanwhile in SA it's one winner, one winner, draw after draw, year after year (when the thing runs at all).

I guess here in Africa we are just downright lucky. With our smaller ticket-buying public and generally impoverished population WE STILL MANAGE ONE WINNER JUST ABOUT EVERY TIME.

Which greedy black politician robber runs Gidani?

Any actuaries among us care to dot the i's on this?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Afrikaners Need To Identify The Nigger In The Woodpile

I'll be honest with you. This blog has come under hectic criticism for pointing out that the Afrikaans-speaking whites of South Africa deserve what's coming to them. They are not lifting a finger to get themselves out of their hideous species-threatening situation.

And then when you mention this, it's like YOU are displaying enormous bad taste for even noticing. Afrikaners get quite liberal in their outlook when you say the are asking for genocide. They think it reflects badly on them and suggests they may be anti-establishment which, as everyone knows. is much worse than your wife being raped and your kids being pistol-whipped and the whole family getting burned and shot. It's a Boer thing - don't ask me to explain it.

Okay. Maybe I was a bit hasty (see my earlier posts). Maybe it is too early (about one week too early) to talk about picking up guns and creating a new tuisland. Well, how about this then. A Boere TRC. Call it Boeretroos. As long as it's not held during the World Cup. Maybe after that, on a Friday night when there's no Sewende Laan. Right, so they get together at an undisclosed location, or even online - and then what?

What they have to do first and foremost is face the fact that with FW de Klerk, with the TRC, with whole New South Africa, hand-it-over to the ANC Stalinist, farm-killing and general pillaging experience, they got sold a huge bitter lemon.

They have to face some unpalatable facts. They must accept that FW was the worst Afrikaner ever to have been born and Afrikaner naivety allowed him to sell out South Africa in order to feather his own nest. Accepting the Nobel Peace Prize along with Mandela was an horrendous snub to the Afrikaners.

These are the ghastly facts about FW, that stinking son of a pig:

* FW was party to a set of huge arms deals hingeing around the ANC that were central to the sell-out of South Africa to the barbarians
* The thing that precipitated throwing PW out of office and getting FW made president were the arms deals
* The person responsible for liaising with FW and setting it all up was one Tony Georgiades, Europe's biggest arms dealer
* So close was FW to Georgiades that he actually fell in love with Georgiades's wife, who divorced Georgiades and married FW, the old whore
* They live in London close to Georgiades where they can socialize, see the kids - and liaise about the arms deals
* FW's wife was murdered in Cape Town soon after the divorce. She knew too much
* The generals and the senior officers at least suspected what FW did. That is why the officers handed FW pieces of silver in parliament.
* The issue made of the Daimler-Benz bribe money paid to Zuma, the Shaiks and Tony Yengeni was a red herring. The price of a 4x4 is nothing compared to what the ANC and FW received in bribes
* German investigators have now reportedly found evidence that ThyssenKrupp, the industrial group that leads the German Frigate Consortium, paid $25-million (about R175-million) in kickbacks.
* They found that the $22-million paid to the Liberian-registered company, identified as Mallar Incorporated, was registered with the Liberian registry for offshore companies, which is extremely opaque.
* German investigators believe that Mallar is controlled by one Tony Georgiadis, who is variously described as a "sanctions buster" and "shipping magnate".
* So cunning is FW (and so untouchable now that he lives in London) that no one has ever questioned him about his hideous connections.
The problem is not bloggers.
It's that bugger FW.

Friday, October 5, 2007

And So It Goes, Until It Is All Gone

Staying in South Africa you get to see a first world country fall apart right close up. By first world I mean a place where there is an operating electricity grid, transport channels including fuel, roads, rail and air, and of course an operating economy where there are goods for sale - especially food.

Going by experiences in the past few months, the scene here (empty shelves, a perplexed shop owner and a pissed off public) is going to be common very soon in South African shops

The abundance of cheap Chinese goods is masking the emerging problem which you won't see in the CPI index. The bottom line is that not enough food is being produced in South Africa, which is sending up prices, leading to dubious food quality and also resulting in empty shelves on occasion. These are first signs that the productive economy, when it comes to food, is at the top of a slippery slope. It's all a result of killing farmers and chasing the few remaining living ones out of agriculture. Of course all commercial farmers are white because you need a brain in order to farm commercially.

This is what has been happening at the local supermarkets in my comfortable neighbourhood in our well-to-do town. The following products have been unavailable on occasion when they were never, but never, unavailable. These include:
* Milk
* Cream
* Eggs
* Chicken
* Potatoes
* Tomatoes
* Cabbages

The shop owners were as mystified about the shortages as the public. Please note that the list includes important staple foods and the cheapest protein available.

Then there has been significant "value engineering" on a wide variety of products including chocolates, chips, soft drinks, tinned food, processed meats, deli meats, bakery products, coffee, tea, cereals, spices and packaged "junk" food like noodles, powdered soups, cold drinks and biscuits. In other words you are getting cheaper ingredients and processing, and less volume, for the same or more money.

Finally there have been extreme price rises in a wide variety of foodstuffs including most fruits an vegetables - especially tomatoes, dried pulses, tinned food, maize meal and red meat - which is fast becoming an extreme luxury. And so you fork out more, budget more wisely and hope it will get better.

Which it certainly will not, and the first to riot about it are going to be the urban poor. Actually they have already started. It's just that you don't read about it in the mainstream press.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Zimbabwe - Thought For The Day

Zimbabwe is the only country on earth named after a ruin. Needless to say the Zimbabwe Ruins were built by non-blacks (i.e. Arabs) and once the Arabs left the blacks let the buildings fall apart and let goats roam round it. So there is a long long tradition in Rhodesia of the natives destroying other people's property. And they are so proud of it they named their country after their own stupidity. How dumb do you get?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Beware The Poisoned Pineapples

"Ag, it's still nice living here in South Africa. You get such lekker fruit, like those big pineapples going cheap at my local reputable supermarket (the Pick 'n Pays, Checkers, Spars, Shoprites). Yinna, where else can you get a pineapple like that, bloody huge things for R1.99 each?"

Okay, let me tell you about this bargain.

What you are eating are poisonous canning pineapples that were rejected by the export market because they had unacceptably high levels of cadmium. That happened in July.

So the pineapple farmers, co-ops, export agents, whoever, decided that these Cayennes (the large long sour Mothers, not those cute, sweet little Queens) would have to be dumped on the South African public so they could recoup some of their losses.

No problem there. A chronic shortage of health inspectors in government at local, provincial and national level, agriculture and health ministries that are jokes, a farming community that is beleaguered, no more consumer council, no more controls, no more anything.

Omnia Holdings, which sold the contaminated fertilizer to the pineapple farmers, is still selling the same fertilizer. Expect more bargain foodstuffs soon.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Massive Lotto Board Performance Bonuses - But No Lotto

What happens if you are an ignorant black savage or a pathetic white lackey serving on the South African National Lotteries Board, and for a year there is no Lotto, with thousands of expensive Lotto terminals lying idle round the country?

You vote yourself a massive peformance bonus, that's what.

Staff performance bonuses at the NLB rocketed 42.4 percent to more than R1.3-million for the past financial year. This is despite there being no staff performance appraisal systems at the organisation, no Lotto since March, unpaid winnings that have disappeared into the ether and no prospect of there ever being a Lotto again.

You would expect the blacks to be a thieving lot, but the shame here goes to banker Norman Axten and licker of black arse, Astrid Luden, (both looking fat and happy above) , who should know better. They should be stripped of their sorry white skins.

There are good reasons why so-called trade and industry minister, an out-of-work office boy, Mandisi Mpahlwa, won't whip this chaotic organisation into shape. He is embroiled in corruption and fraud involving the quickly diminishing pool of national lottery money and the boundless criminal potential of awarding the next licence.

Mpahlwa refuses to answer questions as to when a new lotto operator will be appointed. Minister of Education, the appalling Naledi Pandor, was involved fraudulently in the previous licence-holding company, which the NLB only figured out five years after the award.

It was the NLB's task to advise the minister on who should get the new licence. Government ministers, their deputies and other ANC luminaries are presently engaged openly in a feeding frenzy, a la Pandor, putting forward front companies to cash in on the lotto billions.

Of course, Mpahlwa has said nothing about the NLB bonuses. He is as corrupt as any other bantu in a suit.

At Last: A Flicker Of Afrikaner Pride

It's about time! The Afrikaners (Boere, white South Africans, call them what you will, we are all in the same boat) are getting off their arses, finding a leader and setting off on the next Trek.

This Trek isn't going to be like all the others, where the Boere, clan by clan, group by group, moved away from the rampaging savages. (The most disgraceful Trek of all has been this past 13 years. They gave up their self-respect, gave up their God, gave up their language and about one million of them gave up the country. These cowards now hide in Melbourne, Manchester, Madrid, Maryland.)

No, this time it's down to the wire. These are the Boere who are staying here, and they are saying openly they will have to look after themselves. All the talking to this absolutely useless ANC so-called government is making no difference at all to the physical security and the self-determination of the Boere. They are going to have to fight for their freedom all over again.

This time round it will be easy. There is no police force and no defence force in South Africa any more. The criminals are in control. So as long as the Boere can outwit the criminals, they can create their own security zones, homelands, secured areas, bantustans, whatever you want to call them. Force will be required for two purposes only: keeping out the criminals and keeping out the black hordes who will want to escape to a safe and economically strong enclave.

As long as the Boere control the roads and the bridges to their security zones, one harbour and one airfield, they can do as they please. They can set up security companies, security courts, secure farms, secure villages. They can start Afrikaans schools, colleges, a university. They can move all their businesses there. They can make like Israel. They will be in a constant state of war-readiness, but it sure beats getting killed by an Aids-ridden Zulu with a panga.

Col. Gideon Meiring is emerging as the new leader. He has the ear of the government (such as it is), the old security establishment, the farmers and every Afrikaner who fear for themselves and their people. Make your plans, Col. Meiring. You have the knowledge and the goodwill of white South Africans. And you are a Real South African, which is a huge plus.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lindiwe Sisulu: Another Black Witch In Cabinet

Take a good, hard look at this bucket of evil to the right. She is a Xhosa through and through, a half-breed rubbish right in the Winnie Mandela tradition.

She's the so-called housing minister of South Africa, who prides herself on constructing thousands of privvy-sized crapholes that she then tries to pass off as houses to the pissed-off masses.

What has this Sisulu woman ever done to get ahead? Uh, nothing. She was born to the Sisulu couple whose arses got licked from one side of the globe to the other by Western liberals.

This witch grew up in exile, where she got a larnie accent and ideas way above her natural station. But don't go believing me. Just go ask the occupants of the Joe Slovo squatter camp on the N2 near Cape Town.

This week they decided they had had enough of living in shacks. I mean, they are Xhosas after all and expect more of the ANC government, which is made up mainly of Xhosas and Moslems. So the squatters rioted. They burned shacks and vehicles and tyres. They clashed with police, They blocked the highway. They were angry. They want the houses they have been promised by the Stalinist ANC since time immemorial.

And what did this venomous tub of vileness, Lindiwe Sisulu, have to say to the tens of thousands of Xhosa squatters in Langa on the Cape Flats? She threatened them with forced removal to Delft. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT "FORCED REMOVAL" WAS ONE OF THE MAIN BUGBEARS THE SO-CALLED FREEDOM MOVEMENTS HAD AGAINST THE PREVIOUS (WHITE) GOVERNMENT. BUT FOR BLACKS TO THREATEN BLACKS WITH THE SAME THING IS OKAY.

"Until now, no attempts have been made to force residents of the informal settlement at Joe Slovo to move," Sisulu said in her repulsive snake-oil voice. "We are now convinced that to protect property constructed at Joe Slovo - and to ensure the integrity of the development process - we have to seek legal intervention."

That's okay then. What a pathetic excuse for a housing minister. What a blithering idiot of a president. All strength to the squatters of Joe Slovo. May they burn down one of Lindiwe's luxury homes.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2007: The Year The Worm Turned - You First Read It Here

When people look back in 20 years time and try to figure when South Africa officially became a second Haiti, they will pinpoint 2007. Since 1994 the country has been running on old momentum - the remnants of efficient European management and infrastructure.

This year, 2007, the worm turned.

Deliberately over the years the black maggots have been gnawing away at the living tissue of the nation. A toxic slime (the President and the Cabinet) has been quietly promoting this infestation from the top.

Since 1994 hospitals, schools, universities and colleges have degenerated into festering growths of crime and ineptitude. The physical environment (roads, dams, water works, power grid) have disintegrated. The police have joined forces with the criminals, led by national police minister Jacki Selebi, who consorts with crooks. His appointment as president of Interpol cemented his dubious credentials.

Government workers have effectively resigned from their duties while still taking salaries. There are no checks and balances in the civil service any longer. Policemen go on picnics in police vans, ambulance drivers give their girlfriends joyrides in hospital vehicles, nurses abuse patients and steal hospital goods. The justice system has choked on its own vomit. The defence force has been turned into a gigantic, Aids-ridden public works programme.

The rand has become weaker than ever before, masked by the weak dollar. There is no investment in fixed infrastructure in South Africa by outside capital any more. The only type of money that comes here can leave overnight. South Africa has shown itself to be notably invertebrate in its foreign relations policy. It will support anyone who is a criminal. Jails are overfull and have become the testing ground for young felons.

The Home Affairs department has turned into a marketplace for ID documents, passports, marriage certificates. Anything anyone wants is available at a price. The corruption starts at the top with the acting director-general and others recently suspended for turning paperwork into contraband. Agriculture and land affairs have turned into a travesty of economics and justice allied with a stated intention by the president to get the white farmers off the land. SA Revenue Services has turned into a Moslem-run voracious beast determined to suck the last breath of life out of the economy to fund the excesses of the black elite.

But 2007 was the year the worm turned. And the worm that turned was not the much-put-upon whites, a tiny and politically powerless minority that has either left the country or disappeared into their cocoons. The worm that turned were the poor blacks in squatter camps, from Cape Town, to Plettenberg Bay, from Johannesburg, to Pretoria, to Khutsong. Their lives are worse than the lives of blacks have been since 1900. They are not oblivious to this. About 20 million people live in shacks without running water or electricity. They are unemployed. There are no services. They have no hope.

They are rioting in the streets. They are burning tyres and vehicles. They are setting the houses of government officials alight. They are shooting and throwing stones at police. They are extremely angry. They know the black elite live in obscene luxury. They have only to look at their local ANC councillors to know that.

Yes, this is the year the worm turned. The world will be told it's still the white's fault. But the worm knows it is the fault of the blacks who are looting and plundering the country's wealth. And somewhere in one of the squatter camps a toddler is wading about in an open sewage canal. He is a future president of South Africa. He will seize power through the barrel of a gun. And he doesn't give a shit.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Pius Langa: Good Nigger Turns Rotten

A few days ago it was reported that SA taxpayer had bought a R9,25-million house in Johannesburg for the chief justice Pius Langa and would soon be forking out to buy another house for his deputy.

This writer immediately rushed to investigate model mission-boy Langa's CV and found him to be an immaculate legal Uncle Tom, as one would expect of someone named after a former Pope.

So this writer waited for this paragon of fair play and wisdom to turn down the mansion, on which another R383 000 had been spent renovating it and R1-million more on furnishing it.

Surely he would come out and say that a chief justice was not in need of a koi pond, a kitchen "kitted out with Jamie Oliver cooking utensils", and curtains worth R200 000?

Surely he would point out that, in a country with 60% unemployed people and a chronic housing shortage, for a servant of the people to live in an obscenely expensive villa was an abortion of natural justice, never mind plainly indecent?

No, he never did. This nigger has turned out to be like all the rest feeding at the troughs of democracy: a self-important savage without a shred of integrity.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Afrikaner Shame: The Boere Are Asking For Genocide

I am ashamed to admit that Afrikaner blood runs in my veins. My father was right to distance himself from his Afrikaans heritage and bring his children up as English-speakers.

He believed that Afrikaners had become a spineless, divided lot who would come to a bad end. He was right, and unfortunately he could not live enough to see just how right he was proven.

What have these white Afrikaans-speakers become?

These are the people
* who think that 7de Laan is art
* who think that De La Rey is a protest song
* who think that being gay is the same as being creative
* who think that freedom means holding the annual Goliat van Gat Pumpkin Festival
* who think it is one in the eye for the ANC when they move to Perth, London, Atlanta
* who think that securing pensions for the last generation of white civil servants represented a victory
* who think that FW "did what he had to" and giving up the police and military in 1994 was a brilliant tactical gesture on his part
* who think that working as "security officers" in Iraq, Congo, wherever, because they can't get army and police jobs in South Africa is the height of intelligence
* who think that land reform is a step in the right direction
* who let the infrastructures protecting Afrikaans be eroded in ten years (schools, universities, etc.)
* who stopped going to church when freedom came because God was clearly in favour of the ANC
* whose sole fighter for Afrikaans is that extremely malleable ponce from Sandton, Dan Roodt, (yes, he writes in English and used to be an ANC supporter) whose main gripe is that he sometimes has to flush his toilet with his swimming pool water
* who think that they are going to get justice in the courts and that sooner or later the ANC will learn the error of their ways and give them back their jobs and change the street names back to what they were
* who think that owning a franchise makes you a businessman
* who allowed the rural commando's to be disbanded
* who whine about farm murders but don't do anything about it in the great Boere-guerilla tradition
* whose resistance to all of this came in the shape of the arrest of a group of pointy-heads from the East Rand who had an arms cache

The Boere were not always this way. Right up until the end of PW they showed an enormous amount of spine. Here's a random selection of great Afrikaners:

Even that vainglorious bore, Chris Barnard, was a great Afrikaner. He and his brother did for the first time what has become a fairly routine surgical procedure all over the planet. For those Afrikaners without the benefit of an education hy het die eerste hartoorplanting in die geskiedenis gedoen.

Jan Smuts, arch-womanizer and adventurer, cut a swathe through the world as a major academic intellect, soldier, philosopher, statesman, naturalist and leader of men. Smuts was one of the best students Cambridge ever had (for the information of any modern Afrikaners who might be reading this, Cambridge is 'n universiteit in Engeland. He was instrumental in forming the League of Nations and the UN. He wrote actual books.

Jan Breytenbach was not like his arch-liberal brother Breyten Breytenbach who liked a bit of poontang and fed off the apartheid literature muck-heap. JB was a brilliant rebel soldier who founded and formed Buffalo Battalion who fought the forces of darkness for many decades until FW handed over the military to the AIDS-ridden hewers of wood and drawers of water who lumber along in camo. He is still alive. Ready when you are, JB.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Blacks Are Neurolingualistically Challenged

No, blacks are not stupid.

It's not 'cos of stupidity that only 700 black matrics managed a higher-grade maths pass in 2006.

Like all blacks, including the minister of education with the ladida accent, Naledi Pandor, they are neurolinguistically challenged.

This means they cannot stand certain words. Their nerves go into a decline when they hear them. They feel confused and disorientated.

And they definitely can't say these words. Saying them makes blacks feel ill and want to lie down. So they avoid using them.

Avoiding hearing or saying these words makes it possible for blacks to function as hewers of wood and drawers of water and stealers of money and rapists and murderers of anything, the only things they are fit for.

Here are those words, the words you will never hear from Mbeki and Pandor, or any black for that matter.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Manto's Legal Team Admits She Is A Raging Pisscat

The legal team acting for that useless piece of work, the minister of health Manto Tshabala-Msimang, have admitted that she is a raging alcoholic whose departure from this earth is way past due.

Instead of bringing a defamation suit against the Sunday Times for exposing that she has been a lush since first she could raise a bottle, the lawyers are demanding in court that the ST return her medical records.

The legal team shouldn't worry so much. If Manto needed a liver transplant because of chronic jaundice, the medical records will reflect that.

If she was not abusive to staff at the luxurious Cape Town Medi-Clinic where she was ensconced for the op in 2005 (no public hospital for the health minister), the records will show that she was a model patient.

If she didn't drink Jack Daniels and Stroh while waiting in the hospital for a new liver, nothing will be said about that in the records.

By demanding the records back Manto is admitting that they are damning. Makes no sense saying in public you want them back then.

None of it makes any sense. Much like the rantings of a pissed person.

Why didn't the judge point this out and save the taxpayer thousands by cutting the proceedings short? Judge Mahomed Jajbhay is the guy in question. Is he stupid or in the pay of Certain People? Or is he just a fellow tippler?

Plett Riots: Media Throws Bathwater Out With Baby

Wrong! The Plett story was not about a little baby getting killed by a stray bullet in a township.

Babies get killed every day in South Africa. It's not news.

The reporters (and news editors and editors) missed the point entirely.

The story was about the full-scale riots in the squatter camps that smother Plettenberg Bay in Western Cape.

The riots (not protests as the mainstream press would have it) were so widespread that police from Mossel Bay, George and Oudtshoorn had to be summoned to help suppress the uprising.

Just like back in 1976 black people (i.e. the poverty-stricken Xhosas who have fled from the bankrupt Eastern Cape province to this Western Cape rim town) burned the houses of police and municipal officials. They burned tyres. They stoned police vehicles. They marched through the streets. They shot people with stolen firearms.

The people of Kwanokuthula were pissed off. They still are.

The reason for their anger is that the Bitou municipality, which has been ANC-controlled since 1994, is corrupt and the poor of the town are ignored. No services are forthcoming. Town councillors have been stealing money and living the high life since 1994 and the people want them dead.

Plettenberg Bay is one of South Africa's most rateable municipalities, with foreigners and rich locals owning monstrously large homes in what has become an overdeveloped nouveau Tuscan nightmare on the lagoon.

If there is no money for basic services in Plettenberg Bay, then what hope is there for any other municipality in South Africa?

Monday, August 27, 2007

Trevor Manuel: A Fraud Among Fools

Back in 1993 it was this writer's dubious honour to witness Trevor Manuel, who is today the minister of finance, give a political speech in public.

At the end of it Manuel referred to himself as a black before raising his fist and shouting: "Amandla!" His extremely stupid audience (blacks) all raised their fists and said "Amandla!" in agreement with this blatant falsity.

I realised then that a) Manuel was a fraud and b) blacks were even stupider than I had previously realised. For Manuel is not black at all. He is a pale-skinned mulatto, whiter than most Afrikaners, with blue eyes, a Portuguese surname and a fancy Capetonian accent.

Manuel has made a political career of sucking up to anything that is black, with the exception of Maria Ramos, who is white. Despite the fact that he is married, Manuel has publicly had an affair with this Portuguese South African ever since she was director-general of finance (and we know how she got there....).

Throwback to your real roots, hey Trevor?

No one, least of all Manuel's (half-breed) wife has troubled to point out that fucking your D-G while being a married public figure in a country riddled with Aids is not polite, never mind politic. Nice for Trevor. This is the great thing about being a fraud among fools.

Manuel has contributed nothing to this country beyond reading out a budget speech each year, tugging at the cuffs of his expensive suits and attending meetings at the IMF. Such fools are liberals at the IMF that they made this arch-fraud chairman of the development committee (whatever that is).

In case you think that Manuel isn't all that fraudulent, listen to what he had to say about Zimbabwe in parliament the other day:“We must encourage Zimbabweans to solve their own problems. That is the most we can do because the decisions have to be carried by Zimbabweans into perpetuity.” Like Germany solved Hitler.

Manuel said South Africa would not squander taxpayers' money by bailing out Zimbabwe. This was a bare-faced lie. Plenty of taxpayers' money has already been squandered in Zimbabwe in the form of free electricity, free money, free fuel, free everything. South Africa will continue to help Zimbabwe until South Africa itself collapses.

We hear that Manuel and Ramos have opened offshore accounts to stash away taxpayers' funds for the day they are forced to leave the country, not for being frauds (blacks are too stupid and dishonest themselves to pick anyone out for being fraudulent) but for being white.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Gauteng: Social Development MEC Steals R350 000 From The Poor

Kgaogelo Lekgoro might wear a suit but he is an ignorant black thug like all the rest of them.

As MEC for Social Development in Gauteng province, this waste of space took it upon himself to steal R350 000 from the department.

He closed the department at noon on Friday and used the money to send 1 600 women staff members for a spa treatments and dinner at the Emperor's Palace Casino in Kempton Park.

NGO's and the public trying to get hold of the department by phone on Friday afternoon got no answer. When one irate caller from an NGO phoned, someone did answer on the seventh attempt. He told her all the women had gone to the casino for "spa treatments and dinner".

Department spokesperson Fred Mokoko told IOL, "The event was requested by the MEC Kgaogelo Lekgoro. It is to honour all of our women in the department for their contribution, in honour of Women's Month."

The province's budget is meant to provide for, amongst other things, child care grants, old-age pensions and low-cost houses.

Meanwhile refugees from Zimbabwe and from rural South Africa pour into Gauteng's squatter camps and protests in Gauteng black townships against "poor service delivery" continue unabated.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Jeff Levenstein Is Back At Work

Remember that paterfamilias who schemed and connived to steal money from the wealthy by means of Regal Treasury Private Bank and a number of rough-hewn share schemes and shady accounting schemes?

Finally the bastard is in court, looking pale and wan and sporting a yarmulke according to the press reports. But never fear, Jeff Israel Levenstein has not been idle in the five years since Regal was put under curatorship.

When the CEO of Regal was Johannesburg's private banking wunderkind in the early 2000's, Jeff had this to say of his clientele:

"In the tradition of true private banking, our well-to-do clients - who are often our shareholders - tend to make use of our full range of services. These include treasury, lending, asset management, unit trusts, stockbroking, foreign exchange, corporate finance and IT."

Now would Jeff Levenstein pass up the opportunity to start another bank with all the potential out there? No. He wouldn't. In fact, he didn't.

Levenstein has been hard at work since Regal's collapse starting a banking venture, employing front companies. The name of the bank has not been revealed to this blog (yet) but it is understood to have Middle Eastern connections not necessarily of the Jewish kind.

He has also been in court as an applicant in a civil case. Levenstein and fellow scamster Byron Stewart are suing MTN and Standard Bank for R500m for allegedly stealing their design for a mobile banking product. MTN and Standard Bank are joint venture partners in MTN Mobile Banking.

Acting for Levenstein is that tireless fighter for justice, ex-judge. Willem Heath, who was a close friend and adviser to Brett Kebble. Heath was instrumental in delaying the Regal case, allowing Levenstein to resume his nefarious activities.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Pisscats in High Places # 2 - Nkola Motata: High Court Judge On The Bottle

This year High Court judge Nkola Motata drove his Jaguar through a wall in Hurlingham, Johannesburg while pissed.

Motata resisted efforts by Johannesburg Metro Police to take him into custody and the officers on the scene had to call for backup to deal with him.

This ape also tried to leave the scene of the accident and was prevented from doing so by the owner of the property concerned.

M'lud made no effort to hide the fact that he is a judge and in fact made a point of telling the owner of the property that he was one.

Naturally this black fool then denied he had been drunk, even though there were witnesses and recordings attesting to this fact.

The Judicial Services Commission rewarded Motata by sending him on a long, long holiday so he could drink and drive without having to hear cases and stuff.

The trial has stalled as the good judge contemptibly failed to turn up at the hearing. The JSC has done nothing to punish Motata, primarily because the JSC is useless but also because there is no precedent in South Africa for a judge driving pissed through a wall.

We should have known. In 2004 when Motata applied for a job at the Appeal Court in Bloemfontein, he was asked what his most significant contribution to the law, this idiot wrote "Abolition of the death penalty."

His claim to this dubious achievement? He served as national treasurer of the Society for the Abolition of the Death Penalty from 1988 to 1989. Not quite the same as abolishing it.

Pisscats in High Places # 1 - Robert McBride: Another Alcoholic ANC Hero

Remember that half-breed rubbish Robert McBride, who was promoted, although he was a killer of innocent bystanders, to the position of Ekhurleni Metrol Police Chief?

This low-life mulatto scum, who earned his ANC stripes by car bombing Magoo's Bar pub in the 1980's and killing three innocent women walking by, is a pisscat and well as a pig.

Driving drunk out of his mind one night in 2006 he rolled his car. He had been on a whisky-drinking binge at Oberon resort near to Hartebeespoort Dam.

Soon after the state-owned Chevrolet left the R511 and plowed into the bushes, his metro police arrived on the scene and instead of investigating the accident, they harassed and threatened witnesses and ushered McBride and items (AK47 and shotgun cartridges) removed from his car away from the scene.

He was then treated by a doctor related to Chief Superintendent Stanley Segathevan (one of the wasters who helped McBride) and later secretly travelled to Durban in search of a bogus medical certificate.

It then transpired that the Ekhurleni Metro Police didn’t have jurisdiction over the scene of the accident, the Tshwane Metro Police did.

McBride was suspended on full salary. The case arising out of this disgrace resumes in November this year. Two of the three cops turned state witness.

Not a good idea. In a bizarre incident in July this year, McBride confronted the two in their police vehicle at a petrol station in Boksburg and harassed them. They now fear for their lives.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another Xhosa Drunkard Mbeki Met At Betty Ford

Ever wondered such a sorry individual as John Hlope could get to be a judge, let alone Judge President of the Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division of the High Court?

Apart from the usual reasons such as being a Xhosa and being as stupid as the day is long?

He's got something on Thabo Mbeki, that's why. In the dying days of the last millenium they were both at the Betty Ford Clinic in California, getting over binges at the taxpayers' expense, and hoping to hide in the sauna.

These two dusky beauties strolled in with their towels around them, sat down on the benches, peered through the steam and saw each other.... The rest is history. Another alcoholic Xhosa with Mbeki in his pocket.

Hlope was too pissed to notice, when he cosied up to Oasis Crescent and accepted their bribes, that he was surrounded by Muslim teetotallers (nominally teetotallers anyway) and that Oasis manages "Shar'ah compliant" investment funds.

Wonder why the Muslims overlooked this souse in their midst? Let's think...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Blacks Are Useless, Destructive Primitives Who Belong In The Jungle




Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Betty Ford Connection: Mbeki's Recruitment Secret Revealed

It can now be told: Thabo Mbeki has recruited several ministers, deputy-ministers and directors-general from fellow pisscats he met at the Betty Ford Clinic in the US. In this way he hoped to conceal the dirty little secret of his alcoholism.

Mbeki has been in local clinics and the BFC in California to recover from whisky-drinking binges that have got him into embarrassing situations on more than one occasion. Memorably, one Saturday night in 2002 he was arrested for "driving suspiciously" with three blonde prostitutes in his vehicle. The incident occurred near the Morningside Clinic in Sandton.

On several occasions Mbeki has been shipped of to the BFC to dry out, where he bumped into Manto Tshabalala-Msimang (he later appointed her and health minister) and Bongi Njobe-Mbulelo (who drank her way through her term as D-G of agriculture).

Another of Mbeki's BFC recruits is Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, foreign affairs minister, recently seen on television paralytic and barely able to speak when asked to address a crowd about "events in Zimbabwe".

Dipsomaniac couple Charles Nqakula (safety and security minister) and Nosiviwe Mapisa Nqakula (home affairs minister) hit the double jackpot when they ran into Mbeki at the BFC juice bar early in 2003.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

If You Get Shot In SA, Take A Painkiller And Get Over It

The man shot at point-blank range during the robbery of SA's ambassador to the United Nations over three weeks ago is still begging hospitals to remove the bullet.

The Star in Johannesburg reports that one hospital sent him away because he couldn't pay R300 000, a second prescribed Panados for the gunshot wound and a third said it couldn't help him because he started his treatment elsewhere.

Phillip Mashiane is in terrible pain. He walks with great difficulty and has been unable to run his security business since the July 21 shooting. Adding to Mashiane's nightmare is that the police investigation is stalled because they need the bullet.

Another Day In Stupidland

These dusky beauties in KZN have nothing better to do than go to Umlazi to toyi-toyi. They are supporters of Thulani Cele, a man accused of attacking a woman for wearing pants. They celebrate here after he was freed without bail at the magistrate's court. What a bunch of ignorant savages! Zulu clan members rape, pillage and murder each other on a daily basis in them thar hills. Why no toyi-toyi-ing about that? Just black and stupid......

Dumb Tito Should Keep His Fat Lips Shut

Remember when Tito Mboweni was appointed Governor of the Reserve Bank? The rand lost 30% of its value overnight. Commentators said the market reacted like that not because he was black but because he was a politician. We say it was because he is black and stupid as the average Xhosa witless half-breed. He is the living proof that wearing a suit and pair of glasses is not the same as having two brain cells.

This unmitigated fool stood up in parliament recently and started whining about how, if maize farmers sent their maize to be made into ethanol, there could be food shortages. What a clown! The reason farmers are looking around for other uses for maize is that they cannot afford to plant maize when sometimes they get next to nothing for it on the open market. The inputs for planting it then exceed the income derived from selling it. This is called trading at a loss, you ignorant black waster.

With that kind of reasoning power Mboweni could move onto greater things, e.g. the masses could start to adore him and he could be the next President. What a pathetically dumb lot blacks are, with the Mbowenis of the world proving that those in the highest positions (ie. the brightest of them) are as stupid as the day is long.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Pyongyang's Man In Harare

For 30 years, Robert Mugabe has idolized north Korea's Stalinist leadership. Predictably, the two nations now share the same disastrous fate. R.W. Johnson examines this unholy relationship. Johnson is emeritus fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, and Southern Africa correspondent for the British Sunday Times. This article appeared in Canada's National Post this week.

Visitors to the offices of high-ranking officials in Robert Mugabe's beleaguered government in recent weeks have noticed the same book open for study: Juche! The Speeches and Writings of Kim Il Sung. "Some may actually believe this stuff, but it's more that they want to understand where the President is coming from," one insider told me.

It appears that those who have become anxious about Mugabe's Canute-like attempt to order inflation of 7,000% to be halved and to subordinate the economy in general to his political will, is not just acting wildly. He has a model:North Korea's Great Leader who, though he died in 1994, is still enshrined in that country's constitution as "president for eternity." (To this day, the current ruler, his son Kim Jong-Il, never actually uses the title of president.) Receiving the new North Korean ambassador in May this year, Mugabe told him that North Korea had been a guiding light and friend ever since it began to aid his ZANU guerrilla army, Zanla, in the 1970s, and that "everything in Zimbabwe is associated with the exploits of president Kim Il Sung."

Because Joshua Nkomo's rival ZAPU movement was aligned with South Africa's African National Congress during this period, and thus with the orthodox Moscow-led Soviet bloc, ZANU perforce had to find its foreign funders and arms-suppliers elsewhere, in Beijing and Pyongyang. This was a rare breakthrough for Kim Il Sung, so when Zimbabwe became independent in 1980, it immediately became North Korea's most ambitious diplomatic objective. Hundreds of North Korean military advisers arrived, not only training but equipping much of Mugabe's army, particularly the notorious Fifth Brigade. Indeed, for a few years North Korea even dreamt of emulating the Cuban model. From its Zimbabwean base, it deployed over 3,000 troops helping the Angolan, Mozambican and Ethiopian governments.

What particularly appealed to Mugabe, however, was that the North Koreans were not only experts in martial arts but in the far blacker art of political indoctrination, having honed their skills in the notorious "brain-washing" of U.S. and British prisoners in the Korean War. The essential principle was that if, by physical torture, isolation and relentless humiliation, you could break down someone's personality, it was then possible to re-mould it along more "acceptable" lines.

The full horror of such techniques, first glimpsed in Zanla's liberation war tactics, was fully revealed only in the mid-1980s when Mugabe ordered the Fifth Brigade to repress political opposition in the Matabeleland region. Using North Korean terminology, Mugabe explained that "The people there had their chance and they voted as they did. The situation there has to be changed. The people must be re-oriented."

Some 20,000 people died in the resulting campaign of torture and murder, but it was not just repression pure and simple. What the villagers grew to fear most was the dreadful all-night singing sessions in which they would have to sing ZANU songs with cheerful enthusiasm at the same time that they were savagely beaten; when they would not only have to watch as friends or family members were tortured or shot but would themselves have to assist in the process -- the emphasis always being on achieving their utter humiliation and incrimination so that they could re-emerge at the end as Mugabe loyalists.

One great focus of such loyalty would be the pilgrimage to Heroes Acre, the 140-acre site in the capital of Harare, which commemorates the heroes of the liberation war. Its huge granite obelisk and Stalinist architecture were North Korean-designed, such monuments being a regime speciality. (Kim Il Sung erected over 34,000 monuments to himself.)

Kim first announced his philosophy of Juche ("self-reliance") in 1972, whereafter North Korea cut itself off from almost all foreign trade and defaulted on all its foreign debts -- steps which Zimbabwe has now emulated. According to Juche, "man is the master of everything and decides everything," and the most important work of "revolution and construction is moulding people ideologically as good Communists with absolute loyalty to the Party and Leader."

Kim had realized that to achieve this, he needed to isolate North Korea from all outside influences --crimes such as singing a South Korean pop song or reading a foreign newspaper carry a life sentence. Kim would have strongly approved of Mugabe's recent expulsion of foreign media, his crackdown on the independent press and his slavish broadcast outlets. Indeed, Mugabe's Herald newspaper has carried laudatory articles about Juche.

After independence, Mugabe was at first prime minister. But his first visit to North Korea had an enormous impact on him. "He came back almost a different man," one of his former party stalwarts told me. "He was tremendously impressed by the stadiums full of people doing mass callisthenics and colour displays spelling out Kim's name or even depicting his face. He came back wanting to change the constitution so that he could become president, like Kim."

Nicolae Ceaucescu, the Romanian dictator, was similarly affected by his visit to Pyongyang, and returned to Bucharest to launch his "systematization" program, knocking down old buildings and churches in order to build marching lines of apartments, North Korean style. Mugabe and Ceaucescu became close to one another so that the downfall and assassination of the Ceaucescus in 1989 were a trauma in Harare, and all news of the event was snatched off TV screens. The fall of Cambodia's Pol Pot, who had also embraced Juche, was similarly unwelcome news in Harare.

When Kim, the Great Leader, died in 1994, the Gregorian calendar was abolished in North Korea, and a new calendar installed in which Year One is 1912 (Kim's year of birth), and in which the first day is April 15, Kim's birthday. Zimbabwe set up its own Committee to Honour the Memory of Kim Il Sung, chaired by Vice-President Joseph Msika. This holds a special month of mourning for Kim every year, with lectures, seminars and a memorial service "praying for his eternity."

The birthday of Kim's son, Kim Jong-Il, "the dear leader," is effectively celebrated as the North Korean Christmas: he is "the central brain," "a genius of 10,000 talents" and "the morning star."

Mugabe, whose birthday (Feb. 21) falls only five days later, has now copied this: He too is celebrated as "our dear leader" with the same mass synchronized dancing by women in traditional dress and army parades. Feasts are also staged--even though, as in North Korea, the faithful celebrants are often near starvation.

"The central idea is also the same: Everything, including the economy, can be commanded and made to fall into line with the Leader's will," one close Mugabe-watcher told me. "In North Korea, anyone unable to live with that ended up in the gulag or fled as refugees to China, so you ended up with a country where everyone left was totally obedient. This is undoubtedly Mugabe's model." In both countries, regimes starting out as Marxist have both ended up as apostles of extreme monarchical authority.

Juche, like Mugabe's radical socialism, was a fraud. In reality, North Korea depended utterly on Soviet aid, just as liberated Zimbabwe's economy depended completely on a few thousand white farmers. When Soviet aid ceased in 1991, North Korea's income halved and mass starvation ensued, just as it has in Zimbabwe following the eviction of the white farmers. Anywhere up to three million North Koreans died, but Kim Jong-Il simply denied the facts of starvation and at first turned away food aid. Mugabe did exactly the same. When the World Food Programme offered to help Zimbabwe's starving in 2004, he asked "Why foist this food upon us? We do not want to be choked, we have enough."

In the end, both regimes have become massively dependent on foreign food aid.

This week, Zimbabwe's Parliament faces Mugabe's proposed constitutional amendment enabling him to choose his own successor and impose him without an election. This, too, exactly imitates the way in which Kim Il Sung designated his own successor; and it allowed Kim to continue to be celebrated long after his death.

But there is something else to which Mugabe might pay heed. Although Kim Jong-Il declared three years of mourning for his father, spent nearly $1-billion on his mausoleum and declared two national flowers for the country, Kimilsungia and Kimjongilia, his father's death from a heart attack and "heavy mental strains" followed a bitter argument with his son and is still clouded with suspicion. Kim Jong-Il would not allow doctors to enter his father's room till long after the death. And all the doctors, as well as his father's bodyguards, were immediately killed in a series of helicopter "accidents." Other functionaries who had been close to his father all quickly disappeared without trace.

So while North Koreans are encouraged to believe that Kim Il Sung still rules and watches over the country, it seems likely that the great man's end was more like the usual tyrant's exit.

Call These Things Houses? Don't Think So

Nearly 50 years ago, before he was arrested on treason charges, Nelson Mandela lived in what is described to liberal tourists as a "humble little house" in Orlando, Soweto (left). "How shameful the conditions were that the Nationalists made the blacks live under!" they are told as they gingerly make their way through the sturdy little shrine.

The blacks of South Africa today should be so lucky. The best RDP house (see this beauty at left) is as small as the garden shed behind Mandela's "humble little house". Why does no one point out that RDP houses (government keeps telling us they have built 1,5 million of them, as if that's a good thing) are way worse than Nat housing?

They are small single rooms made of cement blocks (see hundreds at Kokstad, left) and at best serve as temporary shelter for a couple of months until they fall down. Is this what freedom is all about? Are blacks so dumb they are going to suck this up indefinitely? Going by the Zimbabwean example - probably.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Food Doesn't Just Grow On Trees

The Transvaal Agricultural Union is one of the last institutional voices of sanity left in South Africa. This is their latest SA Bulletin, published 14 August 2007.

South Africa's Food Security - Where Will The Buck Stop?

"Passing the buck" is an American phrase which is universally understood - someone, somewhere has to take responsibility for decisions and actions which affect us all. In South Africa, the buck is being passed by default, perhaps by design. Those elected to govern the country are abandoning their responsibilities to the extent that many facets of life are now privatized - security, schooling, health care to name a few. Citizens have realized the government is simply incapable of maintaining what it inherited in 1994, and private enterprise has stepped in to fill the gap.

Our previous Bulletin outlined some of the pitfalls inherent in the importation of food, given that the country's commercial agricultural sector is under threat. Assuming that this happens, what are the internal hazards South Africa could face if the bulk of our food comes from abroad?

If regulation over the quality and veracity of imported foods is beyond the country's control, who will assess food when it arrives in South Africa? Who are the people in whom we must place our trust to ensure that what comes in is in fact beyond reproach in terms of safety and cost?

If the current standards of accountability, integrity and capability are anything to go by, South Africa is in for a bumpy ride vis a vis food safety and availability. South Africa is unique - a strange dichotomy of a first world sector juxtaposed with stagnant third world conditions. Currently, first world standards are an uneasy norm, but the other world's encroachment is pervasive. Outside every South African city are squatter camps filled with millions of unemployable people, refugees and illegal aliens not only from Africa but from the Indian subcontinent and even South East Asia.

Parts of South Africa's big cities have been taken over by those whose modus vivendi is a far cry from what South Africa used to call its first world norm. Animals are slaughtered in flats and houses and on street corners, and the meat is sold openly to passers-by. Bones, skulls and leftover meat is left in the open to rot. Outside a Cape Town police station, policemen recently slaughtered a goat by hacking its genitals with a blunt knife while it was alive to "cleanse" the police station of "evil spirits". Are these the same policemen and/or inspectors who will be called in to investigate a food-handling depot after complaints by the public? Whose norms will be used - theirs or the first world's?

And who will bring to book the traditional healers who sell body parts under the bridges of Johannesburg's inner city, the healers who get supplies of human parts from corrupt nurses at hospitals who provide, inter alia, fat from white women? One healer purchased human fat in front of a reporter. (Citizen 18.1.06)


It is a well-known fact that the government is recruiting staff for various state departments in India, Tunisia and other exotic lands. Opposition political parties and other groups have handed lists of qualified, unemployed white South Africans to the State President. Newspaper job pages and websites are replete with positions vacant, but it seems the last people on earth the government wants to employ are local whites. The advertisements in most cases state "the department is an equal opportunity employer and intends to promote equity according to our Equity Plan. Please indicate race, gender and disability", or similar phrases. The message is quite unambiguous, so whites do not waste time in applying.

At the end of last year, more than 9 000 government jobs (or 21% of the total) were on offer, the biggest advertisers for posts being the Health Department. This is significant because this department's officials inspect food and food handling, containers of imported edibles at ports and airports, abattoirs and the like. By recruiting foreigners, the government admits it cannot do the job it was elected to do. So who will be performing these vital tasks? (Minister of Finance Trevor Manuel told Parliament in February 2007 there were approximately one million vacancies in the South African economy. This reflects the huge lack of employable skills within the South African citizenry).

Foreigners may be qualified - and this is a moot point - but do they have the loyalty to this country qualified yet discarded whites have? And will the foreigners be susceptible to corruption, given that they will probably be hired on term contracts? Who is to stop an unscrupulous local food importer, one who obtained his contract via his political connections, simply paying off the foreign employee to sign off on second rate food, or even worse, food that should be rejected?

Recently one of Dubai's world-class port operations companies made a bid to handle imports and exports at important American ports. The proposal was rejected out of hand by American citizens. Would the Japanese allow Tunisians to inspect their food? Would the Germans allow Indians to supervise their abattoirs? Could it happen that within five to ten years, this country's government departments will be staffed by foreigners, while qualified whites either leave the country or sit idle?

If the country's administrative structures continue to crumble, who will bring new government employees to book, those who are corrupt enough to take bribes and sign off on food quality control, either at our ports, airports or storage depots? A study of the South African justice system by the United Nations last year uncovered a widespread perception of corruption, undue delays and inexperienced judicial officers. Corrupt magistrates, judges, police and court officials are frequently reported upon in the media.

If we cannot today successfully bring South African perpetrators to book because of a faulty judicial system, how will we control thousands of foreigners in key positions in our civil service, and especially where food and food handling is concerned?

And how do we know that the foreigners who are recruited are qualified? Document fraud in South Africa is rife, but it's possible to check for document veracity within the country, although this is becoming wobbly. But who is going to check the papers of foreigners who could simply bribe their way into key positions in the government?

At the moment food security and safety rests on the shoulders of a crucial few - the commercial farming sector comprising dedicated South African citizens, loyal to their country and to their land, and committed South Africans who work in the food handling sector, from the cold chain, to retail, to storage, to quality control, veterinary services, research and development, inspections, the hygienic slaughtering of cattle and the myriad other facets inherent in maintaining a reasonable standard of food security and the health of the nation.

If this coterie of people goes, even if it diminishes slowly, the rot will already have set in. The qualities of a responsible and dedicated citizenry are being dissipated - crime, corruption, sloth and a culture of entitlement are permeating all sectors of South Africa. The International Business Report released in February of this year cited 88% of businesses incurred increased costs for security, 65% reported decreased productivity and motivation of staff, and 41% reported a decrease in creativity, ingenuity and resourcefulness of staff.

These are the qualities which built South Africa. Those who have replaced the resourceful and the creative are not making the cut, and they know it. Instead of admitting their shortcomings, they are recruiting foreigners to take up the slack of their own incapacity. This is very risky, especially in the food arena. There is no room for mistakes. Once the first world sector has been rendered powerless by either accretion, dismissal or discrimination, the food and agriculture sector will be badly hit. We can go without new clothes, holidays and the latest cell phones, but we must eat three times a day. This is nature's law, and the SA government plays with fire when it sets out to weaken the influence of a productive local agricultural sector by believing it can be replaced by importing food, and hoping local standards will be maintained by employing foreigners in government and in municipalities. It is simply too much to hope for.