Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Zimbabwe - Thought For The Day

Zimbabwe is the only country on earth named after a ruin. Needless to say the Zimbabwe Ruins were built by non-blacks (i.e. Arabs) and once the Arabs left the blacks let the buildings fall apart and let goats roam round it. So there is a long long tradition in Rhodesia of the natives destroying other people's property. And they are so proud of it they named their country after their own stupidity. How dumb do you get?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Zimbabwe Ruins were not built by Arabs, they were built by blacks.
I first noticed this when I saw a picture of the ruins from a distance, and shortly after a picture of Sofala in Mozambique - which was built by Arabs. The silhouettes of the two are very similar. I came to the entirely defensible conclusion that the builder of the ruins had merely imitated the form of Sofala, without having the faintest idea of its function.
This supposition is reinforced by the fact that no part of the Zimbabwe ruins has any function whatsoever. There are no identifiable kitchens, bedrooms, storerooms or whatever, no fortifications of any more use than the rocks used to pile the place up. No Arab would have built anything like that. This I know because I am an Arab.
In the 60s there was a South African magazine called Drum. In one issue, it ran an article on a Zambian who was making a moon rocket out of old tin and oil drums. What he ended up with looked like a Saturn rocket from a long way off, and worked not at all like a Saturn rocket. Exactly the same principle was at work in the case of the Zambian rocket as in that of the Zimbabwe ruins.