Friday, October 19, 2007

Once Again A Freaking Lotto Miracle

Yeah, a new set of thieves now run the lottery and I can prove it.

Call it the 49/1 scam.

They came in the night on Saturday and lo there was a R15 million prize and then - silence.

A visit to the website shows that a miracle happened, right there before the nation's eyes.

Yes, the winning numbers were drawn - a flawless set of balls in a flawless process.

Meanwhile back at Gidani the thieves were at work, and in the golden moment between the announcement of the winning balls and Armageddon, they bought a ticket retrospectively.

The amount the lucky and completely anonymous crooks won in Div 1 was R16,715,875.

That's nice and totally expected.

Take a look at the UK Lottery's results for the past four years. Rollovers dominate Div 1 wins dramatically. It's exactly the same odds, same 49 numbers, same everything. Meanwhile in SA it's one winner, one winner, draw after draw, year after year (when the thing runs at all).

I guess here in Africa we are just downright lucky. With our smaller ticket-buying public and generally impoverished population WE STILL MANAGE ONE WINNER JUST ABOUT EVERY TIME.

Which greedy black politician robber runs Gidani?

Any actuaries among us care to dot the i's on this?


Anonymous said...

I guess their pocket money was quickly running out so they resurrected the "goose that lays the golden eggs"...
But like in the fable these greedy bastards will soon think they are not getting rich fast enough so they will kill it in order to get more...

Much wants more yet oft loses all...

Ed Carson said...

"Which greedy black politician robber runs Gidani"

Well they won the bid for running the lottery thanks to Mandisi Mpahlwa, but the person in charge of Gidani is Bongani Khumalo.

Apparently his motto is "earning money makes sense". In black African parlance, that translates to "you'd be a fucking imbecile not to steal money."