Friday, October 19, 2007

Once Again A Freaking Lotto Miracle

Yeah, a new set of thieves now run the lottery and I can prove it.

Call it the 49/1 scam.

They came in the night on Saturday and lo there was a R15 million prize and then - silence.

A visit to the website shows that a miracle happened, right there before the nation's eyes.

Yes, the winning numbers were drawn - a flawless set of balls in a flawless process.

Meanwhile back at Gidani the thieves were at work, and in the golden moment between the announcement of the winning balls and Armageddon, they bought a ticket retrospectively.

The amount the lucky and completely anonymous crooks won in Div 1 was R16,715,875.

That's nice and totally expected.

Take a look at the UK Lottery's results for the past four years. Rollovers dominate Div 1 wins dramatically. It's exactly the same odds, same 49 numbers, same everything. Meanwhile in SA it's one winner, one winner, draw after draw, year after year (when the thing runs at all).

I guess here in Africa we are just downright lucky. With our smaller ticket-buying public and generally impoverished population WE STILL MANAGE ONE WINNER JUST ABOUT EVERY TIME.

Which greedy black politician robber runs Gidani?

Any actuaries among us care to dot the i's on this?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Afrikaners Need To Identify The Nigger In The Woodpile

I'll be honest with you. This blog has come under hectic criticism for pointing out that the Afrikaans-speaking whites of South Africa deserve what's coming to them. They are not lifting a finger to get themselves out of their hideous species-threatening situation.

And then when you mention this, it's like YOU are displaying enormous bad taste for even noticing. Afrikaners get quite liberal in their outlook when you say the are asking for genocide. They think it reflects badly on them and suggests they may be anti-establishment which, as everyone knows. is much worse than your wife being raped and your kids being pistol-whipped and the whole family getting burned and shot. It's a Boer thing - don't ask me to explain it.

Okay. Maybe I was a bit hasty (see my earlier posts). Maybe it is too early (about one week too early) to talk about picking up guns and creating a new tuisland. Well, how about this then. A Boere TRC. Call it Boeretroos. As long as it's not held during the World Cup. Maybe after that, on a Friday night when there's no Sewende Laan. Right, so they get together at an undisclosed location, or even online - and then what?

What they have to do first and foremost is face the fact that with FW de Klerk, with the TRC, with whole New South Africa, hand-it-over to the ANC Stalinist, farm-killing and general pillaging experience, they got sold a huge bitter lemon.

They have to face some unpalatable facts. They must accept that FW was the worst Afrikaner ever to have been born and Afrikaner naivety allowed him to sell out South Africa in order to feather his own nest. Accepting the Nobel Peace Prize along with Mandela was an horrendous snub to the Afrikaners.

These are the ghastly facts about FW, that stinking son of a pig:

* FW was party to a set of huge arms deals hingeing around the ANC that were central to the sell-out of South Africa to the barbarians
* The thing that precipitated throwing PW out of office and getting FW made president were the arms deals
* The person responsible for liaising with FW and setting it all up was one Tony Georgiades, Europe's biggest arms dealer
* So close was FW to Georgiades that he actually fell in love with Georgiades's wife, who divorced Georgiades and married FW, the old whore
* They live in London close to Georgiades where they can socialize, see the kids - and liaise about the arms deals
* FW's wife was murdered in Cape Town soon after the divorce. She knew too much
* The generals and the senior officers at least suspected what FW did. That is why the officers handed FW pieces of silver in parliament.
* The issue made of the Daimler-Benz bribe money paid to Zuma, the Shaiks and Tony Yengeni was a red herring. The price of a 4x4 is nothing compared to what the ANC and FW received in bribes
* German investigators have now reportedly found evidence that ThyssenKrupp, the industrial group that leads the German Frigate Consortium, paid $25-million (about R175-million) in kickbacks.
* They found that the $22-million paid to the Liberian-registered company, identified as Mallar Incorporated, was registered with the Liberian registry for offshore companies, which is extremely opaque.
* German investigators believe that Mallar is controlled by one Tony Georgiadis, who is variously described as a "sanctions buster" and "shipping magnate".
* So cunning is FW (and so untouchable now that he lives in London) that no one has ever questioned him about his hideous connections.
The problem is not bloggers.
It's that bugger FW.

Friday, October 5, 2007

And So It Goes, Until It Is All Gone

Staying in South Africa you get to see a first world country fall apart right close up. By first world I mean a place where there is an operating electricity grid, transport channels including fuel, roads, rail and air, and of course an operating economy where there are goods for sale - especially food.

Going by experiences in the past few months, the scene here (empty shelves, a perplexed shop owner and a pissed off public) is going to be common very soon in South African shops

The abundance of cheap Chinese goods is masking the emerging problem which you won't see in the CPI index. The bottom line is that not enough food is being produced in South Africa, which is sending up prices, leading to dubious food quality and also resulting in empty shelves on occasion. These are first signs that the productive economy, when it comes to food, is at the top of a slippery slope. It's all a result of killing farmers and chasing the few remaining living ones out of agriculture. Of course all commercial farmers are white because you need a brain in order to farm commercially.

This is what has been happening at the local supermarkets in my comfortable neighbourhood in our well-to-do town. The following products have been unavailable on occasion when they were never, but never, unavailable. These include:
* Milk
* Cream
* Eggs
* Chicken
* Potatoes
* Tomatoes
* Cabbages

The shop owners were as mystified about the shortages as the public. Please note that the list includes important staple foods and the cheapest protein available.

Then there has been significant "value engineering" on a wide variety of products including chocolates, chips, soft drinks, tinned food, processed meats, deli meats, bakery products, coffee, tea, cereals, spices and packaged "junk" food like noodles, powdered soups, cold drinks and biscuits. In other words you are getting cheaper ingredients and processing, and less volume, for the same or more money.

Finally there have been extreme price rises in a wide variety of foodstuffs including most fruits an vegetables - especially tomatoes, dried pulses, tinned food, maize meal and red meat - which is fast becoming an extreme luxury. And so you fork out more, budget more wisely and hope it will get better.

Which it certainly will not, and the first to riot about it are going to be the urban poor. Actually they have already started. It's just that you don't read about it in the mainstream press.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Zimbabwe - Thought For The Day

Zimbabwe is the only country on earth named after a ruin. Needless to say the Zimbabwe Ruins were built by non-blacks (i.e. Arabs) and once the Arabs left the blacks let the buildings fall apart and let goats roam round it. So there is a long long tradition in Rhodesia of the natives destroying other people's property. And they are so proud of it they named their country after their own stupidity. How dumb do you get?