Monday, August 27, 2007

Trevor Manuel: A Fraud Among Fools

Back in 1993 it was this writer's dubious honour to witness Trevor Manuel, who is today the minister of finance, give a political speech in public.

At the end of it Manuel referred to himself as a black before raising his fist and shouting: "Amandla!" His extremely stupid audience (blacks) all raised their fists and said "Amandla!" in agreement with this blatant falsity.

I realised then that a) Manuel was a fraud and b) blacks were even stupider than I had previously realised. For Manuel is not black at all. He is a pale-skinned mulatto, whiter than most Afrikaners, with blue eyes, a Portuguese surname and a fancy Capetonian accent.

Manuel has made a political career of sucking up to anything that is black, with the exception of Maria Ramos, who is white. Despite the fact that he is married, Manuel has publicly had an affair with this Portuguese South African ever since she was director-general of finance (and we know how she got there....).

Throwback to your real roots, hey Trevor?

No one, least of all Manuel's (half-breed) wife has troubled to point out that fucking your D-G while being a married public figure in a country riddled with Aids is not polite, never mind politic. Nice for Trevor. This is the great thing about being a fraud among fools.

Manuel has contributed nothing to this country beyond reading out a budget speech each year, tugging at the cuffs of his expensive suits and attending meetings at the IMF. Such fools are liberals at the IMF that they made this arch-fraud chairman of the development committee (whatever that is).

In case you think that Manuel isn't all that fraudulent, listen to what he had to say about Zimbabwe in parliament the other day:“We must encourage Zimbabweans to solve their own problems. That is the most we can do because the decisions have to be carried by Zimbabweans into perpetuity.” Like Germany solved Hitler.

Manuel said South Africa would not squander taxpayers' money by bailing out Zimbabwe. This was a bare-faced lie. Plenty of taxpayers' money has already been squandered in Zimbabwe in the form of free electricity, free money, free fuel, free everything. South Africa will continue to help Zimbabwe until South Africa itself collapses.

We hear that Manuel and Ramos have opened offshore accounts to stash away taxpayers' funds for the day they are forced to leave the country, not for being frauds (blacks are too stupid and dishonest themselves to pick anyone out for being fraudulent) but for being white.


Anonymous said...

Hey Real South African

whoever you are, keep up your excellent posts. I hope you'll get the credit you deserve.
Why not post a few comments on SouthAfricaSucks? You sure should get some traffic towards your blog.

Real South African said...

Thanks for the kind words. The relationship with SAS is a bit delicate still. They see me as trying to usurp them or undermine them or something. But The Uhuru Guru has agreed to watch My South Africa blog. If he reckons my credentials are OK after a couple of months, he might give me a link on SAS. That would be first prize. Meanwhile please keep reading MSA Blog and recommend it to folks.