Sunday, August 12, 2007

Check This Burk Helping Out Aids Victims

The BBC is plumbing news depths of mediocrity. This burk on the left, Derek Shapiro, a London artist, came to South Africa on safari. To get over the guilt he visited a Christian Aids mission station in Pietermaritzburg, KZN and was blown away by all the suffering - "worse than a tsumami". (PMB, as you know, is en route to nowhere. How did he get there?) So now back 'ome he's auctioning some wildlife paintings in aid of the Aids victims... The BBC lapped up this alleged "story" extended to them by this self-serving cretin. Doesn't he know that Aids victims in Africa get that way from fornicating like crazed weasels? Word has it that Shapiro is going to float on the Dead Sea next hols. He plans to visit a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon en route and then go 'ome to get free publicity by auctioning a couple of paintings of salt crystals in aid of those innocent victims of Zionist jingoism...
Watch the BBC newsclip

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