Monday, August 6, 2007

SA media words – a guide for Martians

Democracy = plunder of private property and the public purse by a small number of known thugs with support of other thugs worldwide

Building capacity = encouraging incompetence systematically in such a way that no one bears responsibility for work undone

Silent diplomacy
= doing nothing about something that urgently requires action

= replacing competent white people with incompetent black people

Black empowerment
= legalised protection racket in which known black thugs extract bribes from all businesses in the form of company shares and taxes

Diversity = throwing together species or cultures without regard to suitability or quality

Underspending = government ministers and officials stealing taxpayers’ money

Service delivery = the deliberate stopping of all government services to the public at local, provincial and national level so that local, provincial and national government ministers and officials (all thugs) can steal the money intended for service delivery

Outcomes based education = stopping all relevant education among poor black people so entrenched thugs never run the risk of the following outcome: the majority wanting to underspend, transform or become empowered also

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