Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Manto's Legal Team Admits She Is A Raging Pisscat

The legal team acting for that useless piece of work, the minister of health Manto Tshabala-Msimang, have admitted that she is a raging alcoholic whose departure from this earth is way past due.

Instead of bringing a defamation suit against the Sunday Times for exposing that she has been a lush since first she could raise a bottle, the lawyers are demanding in court that the ST return her medical records.

The legal team shouldn't worry so much. If Manto needed a liver transplant because of chronic jaundice, the medical records will reflect that.

If she was not abusive to staff at the luxurious Cape Town Medi-Clinic where she was ensconced for the op in 2005 (no public hospital for the health minister), the records will show that she was a model patient.

If she didn't drink Jack Daniels and Stroh while waiting in the hospital for a new liver, nothing will be said about that in the records.

By demanding the records back Manto is admitting that they are damning. Makes no sense saying in public you want them back then.

None of it makes any sense. Much like the rantings of a pissed person.

Why didn't the judge point this out and save the taxpayer thousands by cutting the proceedings short? Judge Mahomed Jajbhay is the guy in question. Is he stupid or in the pay of Certain People? Or is he just a fellow tippler?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Manto's official song: "Bring vir die harlekyn nog wyn"