Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dumb Tito Should Keep His Fat Lips Shut

Remember when Tito Mboweni was appointed Governor of the Reserve Bank? The rand lost 30% of its value overnight. Commentators said the market reacted like that not because he was black but because he was a politician. We say it was because he is black and stupid as the average Xhosa witless half-breed. He is the living proof that wearing a suit and pair of glasses is not the same as having two brain cells.

This unmitigated fool stood up in parliament recently and started whining about how, if maize farmers sent their maize to be made into ethanol, there could be food shortages. What a clown! The reason farmers are looking around for other uses for maize is that they cannot afford to plant maize when sometimes they get next to nothing for it on the open market. The inputs for planting it then exceed the income derived from selling it. This is called trading at a loss, you ignorant black waster.

With that kind of reasoning power Mboweni could move onto greater things, e.g. the masses could start to adore him and he could be the next President. What a pathetically dumb lot blacks are, with the Mbowenis of the world proving that those in the highest positions (ie. the brightest of them) are as stupid as the day is long.

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