Monday, August 6, 2007

The Battle For Afrikaans Is Over

Afrikaans-speakers with the best brains left South Africa long ago. They live in Toronto, Perth, Dublin, Atlanta, etc., married to English-speaking girls and boys, and speaking English.

The handful that remain in South Africa are protesting against changed street names, showing they are completely unaware that the battle for Afrikaans is over. English won.

* Only a couple of purely Afrikaans-medium schools remain
* Afrikaans universities have been anglicised, Stellenbosch too
* The so-called Afrikaans press (BEE applies there too) is anglicising Afrikaans
* The KKNK Afrikaans arts festival is run by a liberal English-speaker from Wits
* The envisaged Afrikaans Forum is under the auspices of a BEE media group
* Afrikaans- speaking rural whites are being removed from the landscape
* Afrikaans-speaking coloureds are being marginalised politically and economically
* FW de Klerk and his family live safely in London (he has an English-speaking wife)
* Constand Viljoen did not demand the Afrikaans homeland agreed on at Codesa
* All government employees refuse to speak Afrikaans on demand
* The print on product packaging is no longer in Afrikaans and English
* The FAK has lost the political muscle and brainpower that inspired it previously
* The last generation of Afrikaans-speakers with money are government pensioners

Pathetically, a few remaining Afrikaans-speakers are thinking of starting a Taalinstituut. In other words, they are back to square one of the taalstryd.

Afrikaans has been relegated back to where it came from: the kitchen and the farm.

The only radical champion of Afrikaans remaining lives in Dainfern and flushes his toilet with his pool water.



Anonymous said...

I am sorry that you find this something to gloat about. You are talking about the ethnic-cleansing of three-million people, but then of course you are still fighting the Boer war, aren't you? Perhaps you should tattoo a sign on your forehead which says "English-speaking Seffrican", just to make sure that you won't be targetted next because of your white skin, you sad sad sod.

Real South African said...

Boer War, umm, no. My forebears were Afrikaans so that's not the case. I find this major pathetic about the Boere. They can get fucked over by the blacks, the west and their own type, but who is the person in the wrong? The one who points this out to them. What a sad, sad lot. No wonder they are dying out. They are the most pathetic, namby pamby liberals that ever looked extinction in the face. They should get a life, get guns and get a homeland in the Cape. The woesies.